Watch your money GROW!
A certificate of deposit (CD) lets you grow your money with no market risk at a fixed rate over a set period of time. When the maturity period is over, you can choose to withdraw your money or automatically renew. It's the smart and secure way to accelerate your rate!
- View our most current rates
- $500 minimum to open for standard CDs1
- $2,000 minimum to open for promotional CDs2
- Interest payment options for some terms include check or automatic transfer to your Infuze checking or savings account.
- Ten-day grace period at maturity date with no Infuze CU penalties to withdraw from or close the account.
1APY = Annual Percentage Yield. CD = Certificate of Deposit. Minimum deposit and balance to earn APY is $500. Penalty for early withdrawal. Personal accounts only. Other rates and terms are available. Rates not available on IRA certificates. Fees could reduce earnings. Membership required. Ask for details.
2CD Promotion. APY = Annual Percentage Yield. CD = Certificate of Deposit. Minimum deposit and balance to earn APY is $2,000. Penalty for early withdrawal. Personal accounts only. Other rates and terms are available. Rates not available on IRA certificates. Fees could reduce earnings.
Membership required. Rates accurate as of October 1, 2024. Special is subject to end without notice. Ask for details. Federally Insured by NCUA.
Membership required. Rates accurate as of October 1, 2024. Special is subject to end without notice. Ask for details. Federally Insured by NCUA.
What Happens When My CD Matures?
We will send you a Maturity Notice before your CD’s maturity date. There is a 10-day grace period during which you may renew or close your CD, or make any changes to your CD’s term or amount. The grace period begins on the day after the CD maturity date and runs for ten days (maturity date plus 10 days).
To make changes or close your CD, please contact us, or visit any branch location during the 10-day grace period. If you do not contact us by the end of the 10-day grace period, your CD will automatically renew for another term. The renewal term will begin (retroactively) on the day after the maturity date of the previous CD term. The principal balance for the renewal term will be the total balance in the CD (principal plus the interest that was not previously withdrawn) on the date the CD account is renewed. A confirmation will be sent verifying the renewal terms.
How Can I Choose My Interest Disbursement?
The interest you earn on your CD will be added to the principal balance of your CD. If you’d prefer, you can transfer the interest earned to your Infuze Credit Union checking or savings account. Options vary by certificate term.
Will I Receive A Confirmation When My CD Automatically Renews?
Yes, you will receive a confirmation when your CD automatically renews. The confirmation will be sent out after the 10-day grace period concludes.
CD Laddering
To build a CD ladder, simply open a combination of Infuze Credit Union CDs with varying maturity dates.
For example: If you have $20,000 to invest over four years, you would open a 1, 2, 3, and 4-year CD and fund with $5,000 each. At the end of each term, you would renew the maturing CDs into a new 4-year CD. By choosing to ladder, you are able to take advantage of potentially higher long-term rates.
The NCUA protects the money you have in Infuze Credit Union, a federally insured credit union, up to $250,000. You may also use the NCUA's Share Insurance Estimator to better understand your coverage.
Turn your home into your happy place.
Let your home work for you by using the equity you have in your home to reshape your life.
- Fixed interest rate
- Rates as low as 6.49% APR*
- Fixed repayment plans